Tuesday 16 February 2016

Some Faded Memory Under Spotlight!

                                         Maybe It Is!            


Life is more than what you think. Sometimes we regret things that we have done and sometimes do things that we are going to regret. Like people change like things change and like things change as you do.  
              The person that I once have been close, Playthings around, fool each other, bunk classes, stare at girls, tease, giggle, get caught and all those lovely fun stuff that I have done once. But now I am left with nothing.  Sometimes all it takes is a single experience that completely breaks you. Makes you hard enough to feel. It did work in that way to me. Yeah its just a mixture of little mistake and misunderstanding. But there is this thing called EGO, stronger than an apology that it breaks the relationship as a piece of glass. He made me feel heartsick, broken and shattered and made me feel betrayed. So I hated him and did wait for a chance, one single chance to knock him down hard.

              But now that he needs some help, he came to me. I got the opportunity to show him how it feels dejected, what it's like to be annoyed. I got a chance to make him remember that we are no longer friends. But God I did not take my chance. I did help him. By then I understood one thing that deep down I still remember those friendship moments. But one thing is for sure that we are no longer friends. Because people change.

All this made me know one thing that I still have a layer of my heart that still is tender and so can feel!

                                                                                                   -Harsha Vardhan.R

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